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WEDNESDAY, August 21 1:00 PM (-5 GMT)

Reduce the Risk of Leadership Training

Maximize Impact & Investment

When only 15% of learning happens in formal training or coaching sessions, it’s important for organizations to take the helm and maximize the potential of the other 85%.

Let’s talk about integrated leadership development.

If you’re a senior/c-suite leader and would like to attend, you can request an invite here.

Today’s business climate is dynamic. 

How will successful leaders take advantage of the right inflection point for their business and their industry?


Focus on your people, and creating work environments that work.


Keep your head “out of the boat” and stay on top of trends and realities so you can take advantage of the right inflection point for your business and your industry.


Strategically prioritize what you should be focusing on so that your organization and your people are not suffering from “whiplash.”