
Insights on trends, strategies, neuroscience, teamwork, and leadership to help businesses better navigate the challenges of today and tomorrow.

When life throws you a rainy day, don't curl up and hunch your shoulders - remember that defensive postures only deflect your energy away from resolving the situation at hand. Take a deep breath, relax, and accept the raindrops - you can't get any wetter!
Leaders must strive for true empathy in order to unlock its powerful transformative potential. That's why it is often referred to as a superpower! Developing and rising above our innate biases can be tough but, when we embrace this challenge, the results are nothing short of incredible.
Self-empathy means understanding why you are the way you are, and can bring you greater reslience in times of duress, better relationships with an unfettered perspective, and a better chance of claiming joy and rapture in your life.
Regret and guilt are what I call “useless” emotions because they don’t help you. But you have to do something with them to be able to move on, grow and become a better person. There are three things you can do in combination, depending upon the situation, to banish regret and guilt: atone, learn from your mistakes, and manage your memories.
When there is no "wind in your sails," work to strategically position yourself for success.
As we come to the transition from 2022 to 2023, it's a traditional time to reflect on what's important and what we want to focus on. If you need some prompting to intentionally focus your energies, I use the "three Gs" - Gratitude, Growing and Giving.
It's hard to prepare for leadership in a crisis, but here are some best practices to leverage if you are put in that position.
Names are more powerful and innate than we may realize. Intentionally, we can use names to "frame things" or "tame things." What do you need to "frame" or "tame" with a name?
An experimental blog published using ChatGPT to explain our innate linguistic abilities and the power of leveraging them to name things.
It's time for bonuses, those oft-misused corporate motivators. What internal and external motivators are most meaningful to you at this time in your life?